decimals | The number of decimals to include in the result. Limited to 7 . |
mark | The decimal separator. Defaults to '.' if thousand isn't already set to '.' . |
thousand | Separator for large numbers. For example: ' ' would result in a formatted number of 1 000 000 . |
prefix | A string to prepend to the number. Use cases include prefixing with money symbols such as '$' or '€' . |
suffix | A number to append to a number. For example: ',-' . |
negative | The prefix for negative values. Defaults to '-' if negativeBefore isn't set. |
negativeBefore | The prefix for a negative number. Inserted before prefix. |
encoder |
This is a powerful option to manually modify the slider output.
decoder |
Reverse the operations set in encoder.
edit | Similar to encoder, but applied after all other formatting options are applied. |
undo | Similar to decoder and the reverse for edit. Applied before all other formatting options are applied. |